About Us

As a member of the Capstone group, with a center in Tevel, we are engaged in arable crop production, mainly wheat, corn, barley, rape and sunflower, as well as the cultivation of fodder crops necessary for the feeding of our livestock


Our dairy herd is in a smaller part Holstein-Friesian and a larger part Hungarian Simmental.


Our Hungarian Simmental herd is part of the national gene rescue program and we are proud to be a Hungarian Simmental stock breeder.


In order to utilize our machinery even better, we provide services with them to We are one of the region’s leading agricultural producers, with two businesses of our own and membership in six cooperatives.


We grow crops on approximately 2,000 hectares and our average number of cattle is around 1,000, of which we milk 430-450 cows on a daily basis.


We have a storage capacity of 25 000 tonnes for our own and for our partner’s crops.


We optimise our foddering in our own feed mixer.

Our Activites

Arable crop production

Origination of grains and oilseeds

Storage of grains and oilseeds

Agricultural services

Dairy farming

Selling livestock

Our Company

Several minority stakes in agricultural cooperatives through our farm enterprises

Arable land

If you want to rent out or sell your farmland, our group continuously concludes long-term rental contracts with landowners in our area, and our owners buy farmland at the current market price to expand our production.

Contact us, if:

– You want to sell grain or oilseeds,

– You would need agricultural machinery work,

– You want to rent or sell land,

–  You were to buy cattle



We currently have no open positions.

Contact us

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